From: jim demitriou [mailto:jim.demitriou@
Sent: 22 April 2010 17:28
To: Paul Rafferty
Subject: Golf on Monday
The Shire London Golf Club. EN5 4RE
If we go M1 1hr 30mins
If we go A14 – A1 2hrs but less traffic
Pick me up 7.15-7.30 I guess.
Arrive 9.30-10
Bacon Rolls & Tea 10am
Start 11.30 finish 4.30
4.30-6 drinks and awards
6-7.30 Dinner
Trousers and collared shirts for golf
Smart casual in the club house, smart jeans allowed.
I live in broughton Astley.
Station Road
LE9 ---
Jim Demitriou
Head of Sales